Training Widget

Friday, December 18, 2009

Work your legs in 10 minutes with a ‘Giant Set’

A ‘Giant Set’ is a great way to get the biggest bang for your buck in weight training. If you’ve only got 10 minutes, you can get an amazing workout focusing on one muscle group.


Here’s a great giant set for your LEGS for all you time strapped holiday shoppers!

1 Assume a narrow squat position (feet approximately 6” apart), and perform 12-15 squats.

Legs - Narrow Squat (end)

2. Immediately set up for lunges (feet together, shoulders back) and perform 12 lunges on one leg, then 12 lunges on the other leg.

Lunge - Legs (side view)

3. Without resting, assume the plie squat position (legs wider than shoulders, toes turned out) and perform 12-15 plie squats)

Legs - Sumo Squat (end)

4. REST 2 minutes

5. Repeat #1-4 two more times

1 comment:

  1. I'm out of breath just looking at the pictures and reading the instructions.


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